Congressman Lokesh Sharma, taking aim at the BJP, said on Tuesday that the nation’s “skyrocketing inflation” is the result of the policies of the Narendra Modi-led Central government, but he is blaming the Rajasthani administration of Ashok Gehlot for it.
While the Congress has focused its campaign on the Gehlot government’s record and report card, Sharma said that the BJP’s campaign lacks substance and is based on “misleading allegations.”
According to Sharma, co-chairman of the PCC central war room, there is a current wave that favors the Congress.
“PM Modi and BJP leaders are blaming the Congress government for Rajasthan’s inflation, but the reality is that the country’s inflation has skyrocketed due to the central government’s policies,” Sharma told PTI.
“Modi never cared to deliver a statement when the people were concerned by continually rising gasoline costs, LPG cylinder prices, and inflation in the last five years and were asking relief, and now he blames the Rajasthan government for inflation,” the guy added.
People still recall how poorly the Modi administration handled citizens’ concerns about inflation and gas costs over the previous nine years. Modi was making the ‘Thali Bajao’ appeal at a time when the Congress administration was doing all in its power to help people amid the coronavirus outbreak.He said that while he and his ministers were mute on inflation, he now speaks shamelessly about price increases and inflation while criticizing the Congress.
Sharma also questioned Modi’s decision to focus on Rajasthan rather than the horrors committed against women in Manipur.
“Politization is the cornerstone of the BJP’s whole electoral campaign. They just have falsehoods to spew and nothing else. Conversely, the Congress is entirely focused on the task that we have completed. Because to the administration’s performance, Congress has gained the public’s confidence, and the party will form the government once again on the strength of this trust, he said.
“Our administration has a history of keeping its word. He mentioned a number of initiatives and programs, like the Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme and the Chiranjeevi Health Insurance, which provide free medical care up to Rs 25 lakh.
In addition, Sharma said that Rajasthan has the highest economic development in North India and the second highest overall, which says a lot about the effectiveness of the administration.
Election results in Rajasthan will be announced on December 3 after the voting on November 25.